Adierazle teknikoak 'EROSI' seinalea kentzen du Bitcoin-en, BTC-k hartzaren merkatuaren hondoa jo duela adierazten du

Bitcoin bezala (BTC) continues to struggle with breaking above any significant level, with a similar situation plaguing most of the other assets on the kriptokonferentzia merkatua, ziur diagramen ereduak are keeping the hope alive that things may soon turn around. 

Indeed, the cycle channel osziladore (CCO), which typically indicates the oversold area and market bottoms for Bitcoin, has entered the oso merkatua bottom and a “perfect area to DCA BTC,” according to the analysis by the pseudonymous crypto expert Aldizkariak argitaratu azaroaren 27an.

Talking about DCA (dollar cost average), the crypto expert referred to the practice, familiar in both crypto and burtsa circles, of continuously inbertituz a small, set amount of money, which may lead to better results over time.

Per the chart shared by the analyst, the current Bitcoin bottom could finally lead the price of the flagship decentralized finance (defi) asset to make a bullish push, reaching the level of $17,500 (and eventually beyond it) sometime in 2023.

Bitcoin cycle channel oscillator. Source: Aldizkariak

Gainera, Aldizkariak retweeted an analysis batek finantzatzeko analyst known as Seth, who explained that BTC monthly chart was “showing we are at the same accumulation phase as the last major bottoms,” adding that “we are also at the same monthly MA as the last bottoms.”

Bitcoin prezioen ekintzaren azterketa. Iturria: Seth

Bitcoin analisi teknikoa

Bien bitartean, teknikoen azterketa (TA) one-week gauges are painting a somewhat different picture, as their summary is currently suggesting ‘sell’ at 13, as opposed to 4 indicating ‘buy’ and 9 for ‘neutral.’

Laburpen hau emaitza da mugitzen ari diren batez bestekoak (MA) standing in the ‘strong sell’ zone at 13 (compared to 1 for both ‘neutral’ and ‘buy’) and, interestingly, oscillators moving in the opposite direction and indicating ‘buy’ at 3, as opposed to 8 for ‘neutral’ and no sell signals.

Bitcoin technical analysis 1-week gauges. Source: Negoziazio ikuspegia

At press time, Bitcoin was changing hands at the price of $16,244, down 1.71% on the day but still recording a growth of 1.41% compared to the previous seven days, as per data retrieved on November 28.

Bitcoin 7 eguneko prezioen taula. Iturria: finbold

As such, the maiden crypto token is yet to reach the crucial Erresistentzia level at around $16,600, which the prominent kriptografiako merkataritza Michaël van de Poppe aditua esan zuen it needs to reclaim to form a “candle towards $17.5-18K,” as Finbold reported.

Legezko oharra: Gune honetako edukia ez da inbertsio-aholkularitzatzat hartu behar. Inbertitzea espekulatiboa da. Inbertitzean, zure kapitala arriskuan dago. 
