USDC Airdrops-ek Bitcoin eta Solana lurrunkortasunaren aurkako diru-sarrera seguruak eskaintzen dituzte

Amidst the volatile cryptocurrency arena fuelled by Solana and Bitcoin price actions, Octoblock’s USDC Airdrops offer investors an income haven. Octoblock’s unaffected USDC ICO rewards demonstrated its ability to weather market turbulence and volatility, ensuring a steady and stable income.

Bitcoin prezioa

The enthusiasm for Bitcoin spot ETFs and the upcoming Halving event fueled Bitcoin’s demand. Thus, the BTC price had been looking to hit new highs last week. However, the Bitcoin price dropped by 15% on April 14, which could take the BTC price further downwards. The drop, attributed to the geopolitical landscape, saw Bitcoin slice $10,000 from its ATH to settle at $61,000. Bitcoin price prediction suggests a drop to $58,000 is possible, given the stagnating BTC price in the last three days between $61,000 and $62,000. Analysts believe Bitcoin price will stay down for long periods should it fall below $59,000. However, Bitcoin news reports optimism in some quarters. They believe the price drop is a normal BTC price correction occurring every halving event. News on Octoblock’s inflows suggests that BTC holders playing safe are already investing in OCTO for high, stable passive income.

Solana Berriak

Solana news reports a 21% decline in Solana price in last week’s crypto crash. That saw it settle to a six-week lowest point. In effect, $113M SOl was liquidated, weathering Coinbase’s announcement of integration with the Solana DEX. That would offer support to 50,000+ Solana SPL tokens. SOL’s performance faces pressure due to recent network congestion and outages. Solana investors’ rotating capital is among the OCTO ICO holders getting USDC airdrops.

Octoblock’s Platform Explained

Octoblock is a comprehensive high-performance DeFi platform debuting a Game-Fi blended initiative to achieve profitability and investor welfare. It delivers its offerings through initiatives within its platform, each dealing with specific functions. The cFyF (Crowd Funded Yield Farming) initiative empowers collective participation for high returns and inclusivity in governance. cFyF enhances resource-pooling for the pool’s common goal of accessibility and attainment of profits regardless of location. The platform, through the Tentacle Trust, funds charities using its allocated 5% profits from the Nautilus Trove.

The Nautilus Trove handles profit-making through a dual strategy approach. It invests ICO funds in profitable endeavors, such as ICO staking, to achieve high APY to be redistributed per percentage allocations to ICO participants, charity, rewards, managers’ fees, and reinvestments. Its high APY is attractive to SOL and BTC holders who want to rotate their profits.

Octoblock’s ICO and USDC Airdrop Rewards

Octoblock’s ICO in phase four is discounted at $0.038 and offers a 12% bonus. The ICO entitles holders to an array of interesting USDC rewards and prizes. The Tesla giveaway rewards holders with a chance to win a new Tesla, or $50,000. Each OCTO token bought earns the investor one entry to the draw, and they can boost their chances by purchasing more OCTO tokens. The draw is scheduled before launch upon completing the ICO’s 14 phases.

The Nautilus Trove’s allocation of 45% of profits is utilized for distribution to holders’ wallet addresses in USDC airdrops. USDC airdrops occur every Monday and are available to all ICO participants, providing a safe passive income opportunity for OCTO token holders.



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