Argentina: Datozen kriptografia-araudiak ez dira tokenetan zentratuko, baina...

  • The government of Argentina is considering a regulatory framework for crypto companies that will define oversight and jurisdiction. 
  • Herrialdeko Baloreen Batzorde Nazionalak kripto-enpresen gainbegiratzea espero da, Kongresuko bozketa baten ondoren. 

Argentinako gobernua arau-esparru bat asmatu nahi du. Kripto-espazioan jarduten duten enpresen gainbegiratze-eskakizuna definituko luke. Gainera, herrialdeko Baloreen Batzorde Nazionalak (CNV) aipatu araudiaren garapenean eta ezarpenean parte hartuko duela jakinarazi du. 

Argentinako NSCk kripto-enpresen gaineko eskumena lor dezake

According to a 7 February report by Bloomberg, Argentinako Baloreen Batzorde Nazionalak kriptografia-enpresen eskakizunak martxan jarriko ditu. Gaia ezagutzen duten pertsonek agerian utzi dute horrek kaudimenaren frogak izan ditzakeela. CNV Kongresuko boto nagusi baten emaitzen zain dago kripto-enpresei buruzko araudia betearazteko. 

Argentina’s Congress is currently debating a reform in its money laundering prevention law. The law will give the Nation Securities Commission oversight of digital asset service providers. According to CNV President Sebastian Negri, the upcoming regulation will focus on crypto exchanges, not tokens. The regulation could effect progressively following approval of the Congressional bill. 

The CNV chief stated:

“We will set up a working group with the industry to agree on the new regulatory parameters, which will include that companies comply with requirements of assets and solvency to back the risk these assume.”

When asked about the possibility of demanding proof of solvency from crypto firms, he stated that the agency would take the decision after discussion with industry bigwigs. 

Argentinako inflazio ugariak, herrialdeko moneta kontrol zorrotzekin batera, kriptoa aukera ezagun bihurtu du herritarren artean. -ren kolapsoa FTX iaz tokiko kripto-trukeetan banku bat martxan jarri zen, batzuek gordailuen laurdena erretiratu zutela ikusi baitzuten. Horrela, Argentinako erregulatzaileek kapital-merkatuaren antzeko baldintzak ezartzeko asmoa omen dute kripto-enpresei. 
