Coin Bureauk Ethereum-ek hurrengo Bull Zikloa iraultzen duela aurreikusten du, Altcoin batek oraindik gorakada handia duela dio

Guy Turner from Coin Bureau is keeping a close eye on Ethereum (ETH) and one other altcoin, predicting that the crypto assets have much more to rise.

CryptoBusy podcast-eko elkarrizketa berri batean, Turner dio that he believes Ethereum will eventually usurp Bitcoin (BTC) and become the leading crypto by market cap.

However, Turner notes that such an event wouldn’t be as significant as most people believe.

“I guess the important thing about whether the flippening happens or not is that it isn’t a big deal. I think a lot of maxis on either side of the fence tend to get worked up about it and stuff. 

They have different roles. They’re doing different things, so [if] ETH flips BTC or doesn’t, it’s not really a big deal as far as I’m concerned.

I personally think it will probably happen given the just continued growth of Ethereum’s ecosystem and how many people I think in the future will be using it. And it will be one of those things you’ll be using without really realizing it.”

Turner says he only envisions Ethereum growing due to its versatility and constant upgrades.

“I can only see Ethereum growing. I mean, it’s got so much market share at the moment. It is constantly evolving, constantly finding new things, and we’ve already got this whole layer-2 ecosystem system built on top of it already. I really do feel that Ethereum is going to be the base layer, the base chain.”

The crypto analyst is also closely watching interoperable blockchain ecosystem Cosmos (ATOM), saying that the digital asset has yet to fulfill its potential.

“I still think ATOM has a long way to go… ATOM, in the last bull market, as I remember, I don’t think it fulfilled its potential yet by any means.”

Ethereum is trading for $1,524 at time of writing while ATOM is worth $13.48.


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Nabarmendutako irudia: Shutterstock / tykcartoon
