Dow Jones-ek indartu egin du AEBetako PMI leunak arrisku-gosea piztu ostean, 38,500 probatu ditu

  • Dow Jones tests 38,500.00 as US equities climb.
  • US PMIs weakened, bolstering hopes for a Fed rate trim.
  • Key US GDP and PCE inflation data still on the table for the week.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) climbed on Tuesday after US Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) figures softened unexpectedly, bringing broad-market hopes for an earlier-than-expected rate cut from the US Federal Reserve (Fed) back to the forefront. 

The US Manufacturing PMI slid to a four-month low of 49.9 on Tuesday, slipping back from the previous 51.9. The Services PMI also declined, falling to 50.9 from 51.7. Both PMI components were expected to tick upwards to 52.0. With a softening PMI outlook, investors will watch US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures slated for Thursday. 

The Fed’s favored method of gauging inflation, the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) Price Index, will print on Friday to round out the trading week. Equities will look for further signs of slowing in the US domestic economy to gauge the likelihood of the Fed getting pushed into a rate cut cycle than currently expected.

US GDP is currently forecast to cool off to 2.5% for the first quarter on an annualized basis, while Friday’s Core PCE Price Index is expected to hold steady at 0.3% MoM in March.

Dow Jones albisteak

Despite broad-market gains for US equities, the Dow Jones remained comparatively tepid relative to the other mega indexes, with the DJIA gaining around seven-tenths of a percent. Around a fifth of the 30 securities that comprise the Dow Jones index fell into the red on Tuesday, with Walmart Inc. (WMT) leading the losers. WMT closed down -1.75% on Tuesday, declining to $59.09 per share.

Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) recovered from Monday’s downside, climbing 2.85% to trade at $39.70 per share. VZ is followed by American Express Co. (AXP), which gained 2.56% to trade just shy of $240.00 per share.

Dow Jones aurreikuspen teknikoa

The Dow Jones tested the 38,500.00 handle on Tuesday, with the day’s early low priced in at 38,206.51. The major equity index gained 0.69% to close at 38,503.69 at the closing bell.

Tuesday’s upside close for the Dow Jones leaves the major index in the green for a third straight trading day as the index climbs from a near-term swing low around 37,600.00. The index is still down from March’s highs just shy of the 40,000.00 major handle, but the index is firmly bullish in the long-term. The Dow Jones is trading well above major technical support from the 200-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) at 36,687.91.

Dow Jones five minute chart

Dow Jones eguneko grafikoa

Dow Jonesen ohiko galderak

Dow Jones Industrial Average, munduko burtsaren indize zaharrenetako bat, AEBetan gehien negoziatzen diren 30 akzioen artean bilduta dago. Indizea kapitalizazioaren arabera haztatu beharrean prezioen arabera haztatuta dago. Akzio osagaien prezioak batuz eta faktore batez zatituz kalkulatzen da, gaur egun 0.152. Charles Dow-ek sortu zuen indizea, eta hark ere Wall Street Journal sortu zuen. Azken urteetan nahikoa adierazgarri ez izatea kritikatu da, 30 konglomeratu baino ez dituelako jarraitzen, S&P 500 bezalako indize zabalagoek ez bezala.

Faktore ezberdin askok gidatzen dute Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Hiruhileko enpresen irabazien txostenetan ageri diren osagai enpresen errendimendu agregatua da nagusia. AEBetako eta munduko datu makroekonomikoek ere laguntzen dute, inbertitzaileen sentimenduan eragiten baitute. Erreserba Federalak (Fed) ezarritako interes-tasen mailak ere eragina du DJIAn, kreditu-kostua eragiten baitu, zeinetan korporazio asko konfiantza handia baitute. Hori dela eta, inflazioa eragile garrantzitsu bat izan daiteke, baita Fed-en erabakietan eragina duten beste neurri batzuk ere.

Dow Teoria Charles Dow-ek garatutako burtsaren joera nagusia identifikatzeko metodo bat da. Funtsezko urratsa da Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) eta Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA) norabidea alderatzea eta biak norabide berean doazen joerak bakarrik jarraitzea. Bolumena berrespen-irizpide bat da. Teoriak gailur eta sakoneko analisiko elementuak erabiltzen ditu. Dow-en teoriak hiru joera-fase planteatzen ditu: metaketa, diru adimenduna erosten edo saltzen hasten denean; parte-hartze publikoa, publiko zabala sartzen denean; eta banaketa, diru adimenduna ateratzen denean.

DJIA negoziatzeko hainbat modu daude. Bata, inbertitzaileei DJIA segurtasun bakar gisa negoziatzea ahalbidetzen duten ETFak erabiltzea da, 30 enpresa osatzen duten akzioak erosi beharrean. Adibide nagusi bat SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (DIA) da. DJIA etorkizuneko kontratuek merkatariei indizearen etorkizuneko balioari buruz espekulatzeko aukera ematen diete eta Aukerak eskubidea ematen dute, baina ez betebeharra, indizea etorkizunean aurrez zehaztutako prezio batean erosteko edo saltzeko. Elkarrekiko fondoek inbertitzaileei DJIA akzioen zorro dibertsifikatu baten akzio bat erosteko aukera ematen diete, horrela indize orokorrari esposizioa emanez.

