Hackatao Sandbox Metaverse NFT jokora iristen da "HACK the TAO"

Hackatao, Web3 artisten bikote ikusgarriak, NFT jokoaren "HACK the TAO"-ren historia birimaginatua kontatzen du, dagoeneko The Sandbox metaverse-n eskuragarri. 

As previously announced, the new surreal NFT game “HACK the TAO” by Hackatao for The Sandbox has arrived.

Metabertsoa, ​​kripto sektorea eta NFTak barne hartzen dituen Web3 artista ikusgarrien bikote ospetsuak sortutako joko surrealista da. 

Specifically, “HACK the TAO” is a hypnotic game, set in a dream world, imagined by Hackatao, which takes inspiration from their story and their artistic journey in the crypto world. 

The goal for players will be to restore the balance of the Universe (TAO) and defeat the forces of centralization. 

“HACK the TAO” is the result of years of development, with the creation and construction of this surreal world already back in 2020. 

Not by chance, The Sandbox’s NFT metaverse was already talking about it four years ago on X

Hackatao Tells The Story Of “HACK the TAO”: The NFT Game On The Sandbox Metaverse

Going into more detail, the Hackatao wanted to tell the surreal story of the new NFT game “HACK the TAO”

Ikusi ere: P2P.org-ek SSV sarearekin lankidetzan jarri zuen partekatzeko baliozkotzaile banatuaren teknologia abiarazteko

However, the premise is that the player understands first who the creator is, namely the Hackatao. In this regard, the duo of artists emphasized the following: 

“Hackatao derives from the word “Hacker”, meaning a person who faces intellectual challenges to avoid or overcome the limits imposed on every aspect of their life by someone or something, in a creative way, and from “Tao”, the concept that indicates the balance between chaos and order, understood as a living whole in continuous evolution.”

Hori esanda, jokoaren bi sortzaileei buruz hitz egiten “HACK the TAO”, describing Hack Land on The Sandbox and the protagonist hero Lady Hack. 

Generally, the task of the player identified in Lady Hack will be to evolve every time they encounter the blocks that permeate a centralized world. 

Bizitza hartu duten artelanak, artistak eta antzinako gaiztoak, eta subiranotasunaren egungo etsaiak ere izango dira. 

Among the various characters, there are the PODMORKS, the cute guardians and the wise ones of Hack Land.

Podmorkoek daukate giltza Hackataoren subkontzientearen korridore bitxietan zehar nabigatzeko. Batzuek bilaketa gidatuko dute eta beste batzuk ezinbesteko salbamendu bat izango dira jokalariak Web3 munduaren alde borrokatzen duen bitartean.

More hostile, instead, is the CTHULHU, the guardian of the underground world, a dangerous enemy whose spirit resides in all of us. 

It is said that once his call has echoed, it can no longer be ignored. The secret to defeating this enemy is to win the inner battle.

Dena den, jokoko pertsonaia bakoitzak, lagun edo etsai, omenaldia egiten dio Hackataoren ibilbide artistikoa. 

The SAND Crypto: Price And Trading Volume

When talking about The Sandbox and its innovations as a crypto project of the metaverse, it is necessary to also take a look at the price of its native token SAND. 

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And so, looking at the chart, the price of SAND is down by -32% compared to a week ago. At the time of writing, SAND is worth $0.42. 

This bear market trend also follows a bit the one of the main cryptos, like Bitcoin (BTC) which, at the time of writing, has slipped to $60,000.

Not only that, SAND is in 82nd position in the overall crypto ranking, with a total market cap of 951 million dollars. 

Kategoria zehatzerako “metaverse cryptos”, however, SAND is in eighth place, behind Axie Infinity (AXS) and MultiversX (EGLD), but still above the other historical metaverse crypto Decentraland (MANA).

Lege-oharra: emandako informazioa ez da merkataritza-aholkularitza. Bitcoinworld.co.in-ek ez du inolako erantzukizunik orri honetan emandako informazioan oinarrituta egindako inbertsioengatik. Ikerkuntza independentea eta/edo profesional kualifikatu batekin kontsultatzea gomendatzen dugu inbertsio-erabakiak hartu aurretik.


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Source: https://bitcoinworld.co.in/hackatao-arrives-on-the-sandbox-metaverse-with-the-nft-game-hack-the-tao/