3 Crypto hauek maiatzean ATH berrietara jotzeko prestatzen dira

Legezko oharra: Eduki hau babestutako artikulu bat da. Bitcoinsistemi.com ez da goiko informaziotik edo artikuluan aipatutako edozein produktu edo zerbitzutik sor daitezkeen kalte edo negatiboen erantzule. Bitcoinsistemi.com-ek irakurleei artikuluan aipatzen den enpresari buruz banakako ikerketak egiteko gomendatzen die eta erantzukizun guztia norbanakoarena dela gogorarazten die.

Cryptocurrency markets buzz with energy as a select few coins exhibit patterns suggesting they’re on the cusp of reaching unprecedented price levels. With the bull run of 2024 unfolding, market enthusiasts closely monitor these standout performers. This article delves into three specific cryptocurrencies that experts believe have the potential to set new records in the month of May. Each has demonstrated compelling growth indicators that may excite anyone keen on understanding the next big movers in the crypto arena.

BlastUP biral bihurtzen da, 4.7 milioi dolar bilduz aste gutxitan

BlastUP, Blast-eko abiarazte nagusia, duela gutxi olatua egin du kriptografia munduan bere debut harrigarriarekin, goratuz 4.7 milioi dolarreko aste gutxiren buruan. Inbertitzaile adimendun asko BlastUP tokenak erosteko presaka dabiltza euren balioa gora egin baino lehen.

BlastUP tokenen jabeek a onura dezakete pribilegio kopurua parte hartzea barne Airdrop bat , esklusiboa leialtasun sariak IDOetan parte hartzeagatik, eta gaitasuna interesak irabaztea apustuaren bidez.

BlastUP kriptoen munduan jendetzatik nabarmentzen da. Blast-ek babestuta, TVL-ren seigarren blockchain handiena, eskaintzen du benetako erabilgarritasuna DApp ventures abiarazte gisa. Bere leloarekin Azkarrago hazi, gehiago irabazi, BlastUP blockchain startupen arrakasta bultzatzera dedikatzen da. BlastUP-ekin bat egiten dutenak orain bihurtzeko prest dagoen proiektu baten parte bihurtzen dira hurrengo gauza handia entzierro honetan.

>> Erosi BlastUP tokenak gora egin baino lehen <

Jupiter Coin Price Movement and Outlook

Jupiter showed a remarkable 22.81% increase last week, while the past month saw an 8.04% dip. Over six months, the price surged by 3866.33%. Currently, JUP is trading between $0.96 and $1.28. The market moves appear impulsive with strong upward momentum recently, considering the short-term gains. Prices are hovering above the 10-day and 100-day simple moving averages, which is a bullish sign. The RSI and Stochastic indicators are in the neutral territory, not signaling overbought or oversold conditions.

Looking ahead for JUP, the nearest resistance at $1.41 could be the next target if the current trend persists. However, if a reversal occurs, JUP could seek support at $0.77, or even drop to $0.45 if the downturn is significant. With its recent performance and current momentum, JUP might test the second resistance at $1.73.

Celestia’s Current Ranges and Mixed Expectations for Future Price

Celestia, or TIA, is moving between $9.67 and $12.90 right now. In one week, it went up 4.57%. But in the past month, it lost 13.39% of its value. Over the last six months, though, the coin’s price shot up by 246.35%. The price is swaying but doesn’t show a clear direction of either shooting up or falling down sharply.

With the current price near the 10-day average but above the 100-day, Celestia’s future is not set. Some might see the coin going up, eyeing the next big hurdle at $14.29. Others might worry, looking at the possible fall to $7.83 if things go south. The coin is in the middle ground with an RSI of almost 55, suggesting it could go either way.


JUP, TIA, and BlastUP are all poised for growth as the bull run of 2024 gains momentum. While JUP and TIA may offer some gains, their short-term potential appears limited compared to BlastUP. The strength of BlastUP lies in its unique concept and its integration within the Blast ecosystem, which positions it for the most significant potential growth as cryptocurrencies hit new highs in May. Investors might find BlastUP to be the most promising for substantial returns in the coming month.

Site: https://blastup.io/

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discord: https://discord.gg/5Kc3nDhqVW

telegrama: https://t.me/blastup_io

Source: https://en.bitcoinsistemi.com/these-3-cryptos-prepare-to-hit-new-aths-in-may/